Category Archives: gulls

awful, but it’s where the birds are [107 – 142]

Pole in Anahuac (on a tilt, as poles often are)

Last Friday we left for a week-long trip to Texas. We drove Friday night and all of Saturday. Not straight through, mind you. We stopped in Cape Girardeau, Missouri on Friday and made it to Beaumont, Texas last night. So today — Easter Sunday — was our first day birding the Texas coast. And though today was our biggest day ever for birds, it may have been the worst day ever, too.

Starting with the worst, the hotel was a dump. It was old and run down and in the middle of an industrial area right next to the highway. I won’t tell you its name, but let’s just say it was a La Quinta Inn. We knew we were here to bird, so we got over that pretty quick. (Right.) So this morning we headed for the coast down Route 124 toward Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. It wasn’t long before we saw some CATTLE EGRETS in a field along the side of the road. And the a BLACK VULTURE flying above us. Two lifers from the get-go. Then we hit it big.

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gull frolic [52 – 59]

Today was the Illinois Ornithological Society’s (IOS) Gull Frolic at Winthrop Harbor, which is on Lake Michigan just south of the Wisconsin border. We had never been to one of these things, but expert birders were promised to be on hand, so we figured we get a few animals to add to our list. Gulls are a nightmare. There are something like 27 species and each may have up to 5 plumages (first year, second year, breeding, etc.). And worst of all, a lot of them look the same. So sadly, for birders of our skill level, 27 x 5 = forget it.

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one for three in the owl dept. [13 – 26]

Having a job sucks. But money = good, so not having a job sucks even worse. Basically, then, suckage is all that’s on the menu.

I’m getting philosophical here because having a job really cuts into my birding time. That means my Little Year just gets littler and littler. I’m hopeful it won’t be littler when it’s lighter, because then I can do a little birding after work. Going out before work isn’t likely. I’m pretty damn lazy and like my sleep. The point of all my whining is that I didn’t see squat all week. Pole was lucky and stumbled upon a MOURNING DOVE last Monday. It’s only a week into our Little Year and she’s already ahead of me. Oh, well. She usually wins at everything, and I’m resigned to it.

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