
previous years’ totals


  year total birds new lifers life list
  2023 206 4 520
  2022 192 3 516
  2021 202 3 513
  2020 170 2 510
  2019 182 4 508
  2018 155 2 504
  2017 182 22* 502
  2016 109 0 480
  2015 128 2 480
  2014 67 0 478
  2013 156 5 478
  2012 184 12 473
  2011 177 10 461
  2010 192 17 451
  2009 219 52 434
  2008 189 44 382
  2007 160 23 338
  2006 278 114 315
  2005 20 201
  2004 66 181
  2003 115 115 115
*There are 13 birds from Hawaiian trips in 2011 and 2013 that we are listing in 2017, since it was only in November 2017 that Hawaii was included in the ABA area.


  year total birds new lifers life list
  2023 201 4 494
  2022 141 2 490
  2021 198 3 488
  2020 163 2 485
  2019 175 6 483
  2018 150 2 477
  2017 178 11 475
  2016 106 0 464
  2015 124 4 464
  2014 61 0 460
  2013 152 7 460
  2012 178 11 453
  2011 166 9 442
  2010 189 21 433
  2009 213 54 412
  2008 174 39 358
  2007 154 23 319
  2006 267 112 296
  2005 19 184
  2004 65 165
  2003 100 100 100


  number Pole Scrubb
  500 Red-whiskered Bulbul Hooded Oriole
  400 Black-headed Grosbeak Rufous-crowned Sparrow
  300 Chihuahuan Raven Mountain Chickadee
  250 Prothonotary Warbler Crested Caracara
  200 White-winged Scoter Ross’s Goose
  100 Sandhill Crane Red-breasted Nuthatch

subspecies, morphs, and variants (not counted)

  species location Pole Scrubb
  Reddish Egret, White morph TX 04.12.24 04.12.24
  Western Cattle Egret TX 04.10.24 04.10.24
  Kumlein’s Gull (Iceland subspecies) IL 02.15.20 02.15.20
  Krider’s Red-tailed Hawk IL 12.31.16 12.31.16
  Great White Heron FL 02.08.12 02.08.12
  Common Murre, Bridled NL 08.26.10 08.26.10
  Northern Flicker, Red-shafted NM 03.23.07 03.23.07
  Mallard, Mexican Duck NM 03.23.07
  Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon NM 03.20.07 03.20.07
  Dark-eyed Junco, Gray-headed NM 03.20.07 03.20.07
  Snow Goose, Blue form IL 02.18.06 02.18.06
  Thayer’s Gull (Iceland subspecies) IL 02.11.06 02.11.06

probable escapes (not counted)

  species location Pole Scrubb
  Great Tit WI 03.16.19 03.16.19
  Red-mitred Parakeet FL 12.05.17 12.05.17
  Gray-headed Swamphen FL 12.05.17 12.05.17
  Orange Bishop IL 08.12.07 08.12.07
  European Goldfinch IL 05.25.04 05.25.04
  Peach-faced Lovebird IL 07.21.03

birds not shared

  species sighter location date
  Fork-tailed Flycatcher Pole IL 05.10.22
  Northern Lapwing Pole Scotland 09.11.19
  Hawaiian Coot Pole HI 04.11.13
  Snail Kite Pole FL 02.10.12
  Java Sparrow Pole HI 04.14.11
  Scaly-breasted Munia Pole HI 04.13.11
  Swinhoe’s White-eye Pole HI 04.13.11
  Wandering Tattler Pole HI 04.13.11
  White-tailed Tropicbird Pole HI 04.12.11
  Red Jungle Fowl Pole HI 04.12.11
  African Silverbill Pole HI 04.12.11
  Spotted Dove Pole HI 04.12.11
  Zebra Dove Pole HI 04.11.11
  Red-crested Cardinal Pole HI 04.10.11
  Pacific Golden Plover Pole HI 04.10.11
  Chestnut-backed Chickadee Pole CA 09.27.08
  Ashy Storm-Petrel Pole CA 09.27.08
  Townsend’s Warbler Pole CA 09.22.08
  Oak Titmouse Pole CA 09.22.08
  Wrentit Pole CA 09.21.08
  Red-naped Sapsucker Pole NM 03.22.07
  Sharp-tailed Grouse Pole MN 01.25.07
  Groove-billed Ani Pole TX 04.22.06
  Gray-crowned Yellowthroat Pole TX 04.21.06
  American Goshawk Pole MN 01.26.06
  Saltmarsh Sparrow Pole MA 08.02.03
Pole ahead by 26, 12 from Hawaii trips without Scrubb, 1 from outside the U.S. (Scotland).