Category Archives: lifers

one for three in the owl dept. [13 – 26]

Having a job sucks. But money = good, so not having a job sucks even worse. Basically, then, suckage is all that’s on the menu.

I’m getting philosophical here because having a job really cuts into my birding time. That means my Little Year just gets littler and littler. I’m hopeful it won’t be littler when it’s lighter, because then I can do a little birding after work. Going out before work isn’t likely. I’m pretty damn lazy and like my sleep. The point of all my whining is that I didn’t see squat all week. Pole was lucky and stumbled upon a MOURNING DOVE last Monday. It’s only a week into our Little Year and she’s already ahead of me. Oh, well. She usually wins at everything, and I’m resigned to it.

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the first day [2 – 12]

Considering this is the first day of our little year, I did my best to get up early, but I was still late meeting up with Scrubb. Last night, we had decided to bird the Morton Arboretum, some miles west of Chicago, with an advertised morning bird walk given by the DuPage County Birding Club. This is a top-rated area for winter birds in our region. Not only was I hoping to add birds to our little year list, but with a guided tour, I was also hoping to add a few lifers — birds I had never seen, such as pine siskins or saw-whet owls — to my own personal life list. Well, I was disappointed in my selfish pursuit of lifers, but the little year list has grown slightly.

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